overdose awareness

Rutland Pharmacy Acknowledges International Overdose Awareness Day

What Can You Do to Help?

Every year, communities come together on August 31st to observe International Overdose Awareness Day.

Rutland Pharmacy is committed to raising awareness about overdose prevention.

The overdose crisis is a global issue, but its impact is felt deeply at the community level. In Canada, the opioid crisis has claimed thousands of lives. Overdose deaths have surged in recent years, exacerbated by the presence of potent synthetic opioids like fentanyl.

International Overdose Awareness Day is not just about remembering those we’ve lost—it’s about taking action to prevent future overdoses.

Recognizing the Signs of an Overdose

One of the most critical steps in preventing overdose deaths is recognizing the signs of an overdose. Whether it’s opioids, alcohol, or other substances, knowing what to look for can mean the difference between life and death.

For opioid overdoses, the signs may include:
● Unresponsiveness or unconsciousness
● Slow breathing or not breathing at all
● Fingernails or lips are turning blue or purple
● Small pupils
● The person is making choking, gurgling or heavy snoring sounds
● The person’s skin feels cold and clammy to the touch

For overdoses involving other substances, the symptoms can vary, but common signs may include extreme confusion, vomiting, seizures, or sudden changes in body temperature.

If you suspect someone is experiencing an overdose, call 911 immediately and administer naloxone if it’s available. Stay with the person until help arrives.

At Rutland Pharmacy, we offer free take-home naloxone kits to anyone who needs one, along with training on how to use them.

Other than educating yourself, friends and family, here are a few other ways you can help:

Be supportive

If you know someone who is using drugs, let them know that you care about their well-being. Offer non-judgmental support and encourage them to seek help if they’re ready.

Promote harm reduction

Harm reduction strategies, such as safe consumption sites and needle exchange programs, have been proven to reduce overdose deaths and the spread of infectious diseases.

Encourage safe practices

If someone you know is using drugs, encourage them to never use alone, to test their drugs if possible, and to carry naloxone.

Breaking the Stigma

Stigma is one of the biggest barriers to overcoming the overdose crisis. People who use drugs often face discrimination and shame, which can prevent them from seeking the help they need. By challenging stereotypes and treating everyone with dignity and respect, we can create a more supportive environment where people feel safe to ask for help.

International Overdose Awareness Day is a reminder that overdose affects us all. At Rutland Pharmacy, we’re committed to being part of the solution by providing resources, education, and support to our community.

There’s no single solution to the overdose crisis, but by taking small, meaningful actions, we can make a difference. Whether it’s carrying a naloxone kit, educating yourself about overdose prevention, or simply showing compassion to those who are struggling, your efforts matter.

Visit Rutland Pharmacy to learn more about how you can get involved, pick up a naloxone kit, or just have a conversation about what we can do to help.

Contact us here for more information.